Puppies / D-litter 2012
30th November 2012 were born puppies out of interesting mating of american and swedish lines in our kennel!! - 7boys and 1girl
INTCh, CZCh, CZGrandCh, SKCh, PLCh, ClubCh, SKJCh, CZ SpecialtyW-11-12, SK SpecialtyW-10, CZ ClubW-11, SK ClubW-10-11-12, HU ClubW-10, EurosighthoundsW-10, Central Eurosighthounds W-10-12, CZW-10, Central-Easern EUJW-10 SHARQIYA AMERICAN QUEEN OF SAMBA
Puppies – born: 15th October 2012
Chilli is sweet young bitch with angel temperament, she is absolutely smooth, obedient and good girl. She loves people, kids, dogs big the same like small and another animals too. Chilli is higher but still very feminine and elegant type of strong and firm constitution. She has nice modelated head with typical feminine expression, well placed ears, beautiful long elegant neck with noble carriage in standing and movement too. She has nice firm top line in
standing and movement, spacious deep chest and correct angulation of both pairs of limbs. She is very elegant in movement, she is moving smooth and effortless. Her colour is rich red and she has nearly no white markings. We imported Chilli from Denmark, we were waiting for this connection for two years and the pedigree is worth it! In her pedigree figure couple of World winners and several Best in Show winners of club´s and specialty shows in Scandinavia
and USA. Chilli is shown for two years for now, she has already seven championships, she became eight times Club or Specialty winner, she is also Eurosighthound winner-10 and World Club winner-12. She placed several in final competitions Best in Group and she is winning also in big competition. At World show 2009 she became best PH puppy, she was also BIS Puppy at Eurosighthounds 2009. Chilli will be shown more aften her first litter in year 2013 so she can continuge her successfuly started show career!
DOB: 22. 1. 2009
height: 62 cm
weight: 23 kg
teeth: complete bite, scisors
eyes: clear, negative at PRA, HC, RD (2010, 2012)
Plupp is a very sweet, smart, calm and easy-to-have PH, he is not agressive or dominant at all, he can deal with all dogs and animals. He is super elegant, yet substanced, medium sized, dark tan, very eye-catchy and with noble high head carriage both on the move and standing, has great movements and extremely
beautiful head and expression. Plupp is very successfull show male. His best win is Best of Breed on Cruft´s 2008. He has 5 championships, European
winner-06 tittle and many placements at club´s shows. In
years 2005 and 2006 he got Best in Show at Specialty
show in England, in 2006 Best in Show at finnish Specialty
Farkkushow and in 2007 Best in Show at swedish sighthound
specialty. In 2003 he got Puppy BIS at Swedish sighthound specialty. He became Top Pharaoh hound of 2003 in USA and Top Pharaoh hound of 2005 in England.
Plupp has Lure coursing licence.
He is proved stud male, his offspring is very successful at
DOB: 8.1.2003
height: 63,5 cm
weight: 28 kg
teeth: complete bite, scisors
eyes: clear, negative at PRA, HC, RD
Lileo´s Orpheus of Serafin |
AmCh Beltara´s Pantooset Oberon |
AmCh Beltara´s Khansun |
Beltara´s Xara |
AmCh Lileo´s Put´n On the Ritz |
Phaererin´s The Magician SC |
Lileo´s Neferka Gallant Sarah |
INTCh, NordW, WW-98-00,01 Antefa´s Kahira |
Antefa´s Hapi |
Merymut Adonis |
Antefa´s Farah Dibah |
Antefa´s Farah Dibah |
Antefa´s Bchepherure |
Antefa´s Crio-Sphynx |
IntCh, CZCh, CZGrandCh, PLCh, ClubCh, SKCh, SKGrandCh, SK
JCh, CZ SpecialtyW-11-12, SK SpecialtyW-10, CZ ClubW-11, SK ClubW-10-11-12,
HU ClubW-10, EurosighthoundsW-10, Central-Eastern EurosighthoundsW-10-12,
CZW-10, Cental-Eastern EUJW-10 Sharqiya American Queen of
Samba |
Multi BIG, multi AOM, multi AOE, CH Nefer-Temu Mia
Sambasonic |
MCh, Multi SBIS, WW-98-01-02, EW-98 Farao Anubis
Ramses |
ICh Kbir Ramses el Kabul |
ICh, MCh Enigma Shinning Hickory |
Multi SBIS, dualChShema´s Mia Sizzling
Samba |
SBIS, Ch Shema´s Mia Spellbound |
Ch Shema´s Mia Ghost Dancer |
DKCh,Sch,LuxCh, dkkv08, DKjub07, tagessieger schleswig
holstein 07 Faouziah´s Electra |
FinCh Fin JW-05 Nord JW-05 WW-06 PLSg-06 PZSg-06
King of Hearts |
Multi BIS, AmCh Anubis Horus of Ghazzi Isis |
Multi SBIS/BIS, ICh, MCh Magicway´s Min For Siphra |
ICh, MCh, MultiW, BIS SBIS BISS Faouziah´s
Bastet |
SCH, SV-00 Faouziah´s Akunosh |
ICh, MCh, SBIS Siphra´s Tell Me No Lies |
D - vrh / litter el Negma * 30.11.2012
13-02-17 Destiny´s Child 11weeks
13-02-16 with big sister Mimi 11weeks
13-02-16 Destiny´s Child& Delicious Dumpling 11weeks
13-02-16 Destiny´s Child 11weeks
13-02-16 Destiny´s Child 11weeks
13-02-16 Destiny´s Child 11weeks
13-02-16 Destiny´s Child 11weeks
13-02-16 Destiny´s Child 11weeks
13-02-16 Destiny´s Child & Dazzling Sun 11weeks
13-02-16 Delicious Dumpling 11weeks
13-02-16 Delicious Dumpling 11weeks
13-02-16 Delicious Dumpling 11weeks
13-02-16 Delicious Dumpling & Dazzling Sun 11weeks
13-02-16 Dazzling Sun 11weeks
13-02-16 Dazzling Sun 11weeks
13-02-16 Dazzling Sun 11weeks
13-02-16 Dazzling Sun 11weeks
13-02-16 Dazzling Sun 11weeks