Dostali jsme úžasné zprávy, že Sofie je březí a za měsíc očekáváme narození Ramsiho štěňátek v CHS Aurelia´s Pharaos (Česko)!
V případě zájmu o bližší informace nás neváhejte kontaktovat.
There were 9 PHs entered on Saturday ***
Judge: Vlastislav Vojtek, SK ***
V neděli bylo přihlášeno 9 faraonů. ***
RozhodciVlastislav Vojtek, SK ***
Ramsi (Eclipse El Negma) Ex.V1, CAC, Club winner-24, BOS ***
Full Moon In Ochra El Negma *RIA* - VP2 ***
Fall In Love Ochra El Negma *JEZZI* - VP1
Owner: Vendula Jurečková ***
Ramsi´s puppes (13 months old):
Stupor Mundi Valentino *Jasper* - Ex.1, CAJC, Junior club winner-24
Owner: Vendula Jurečková
Stupor Mundi Vershka *Poppy* - Ex.2, res. CAC
Owner: Veronika Konečná
10 PHs entered, 5 of them were from our family.
Judge: Arnaldo Cotungo, IT
Ramsi (Eclipse El Negma) - Ex.1, CAC, World cup winner-24 ***
Full Moon In Ochra El Negma *RIA* - VP1 and in finals BEST IN SHOW BABY! (Judge Mr. Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez, ES)
*** Fall In Love Ochra El Negma *JEZZI* - VP2
Owner: Vendula Jurečková
*** Ramsi´s puppies (13 months old):
Stupor Mundi Valentino *Jasper* - VG2
Owner: Vendula Jurečková
Stupor Mundi Vershka *Poppy* - VG2
Owner: Veronika Konečná
In the photo is Ria in finals
It started... Puppies are slowly leaving to their new families. First one who left the nest is Jezzi. She will live with my friend Vendulka, for whom this is her third El Negma puppy :) Jezzi will live with her cousin Jasper, who is 11months old and is son of our Ramsi (litter born in Poland in Stupor Mundi kennel).
Puppies are now 7 weeks old.
You can see all added photos here.
Time flies so fast and our precious puppies are 5,5 weeks old!
You can see all added photos here.
Puppies are fast growing ahd are pure joy! Mom Mika is taking good care about them and as they are only 3 it´s visible on their weight :))
You can take a look how adorable they are in photogalery.
On Wednesday 3.4. our puppies were born, 2 girls and a boy. Labor was difficult and long but we are all okay!
We are getting close!!
Our trip to Italy was successful and in the beginning of April we should have puppies in our kennel after seven years!
We are much looking forward! :)
In summer 2024 our beautiful Ramsi (Eclipse El Negma) should become father for second time. He should sire litter in czech kennel AURELIA´S PHARAOS with beautiful Sophie (Northgate´s Xclusively). More info about both parents in flyer enclosed.
Ramsi (Eclipse El Negma) participied on Sighthound specialty show in Viničné, Slovakia.
Judge Miodrag Vretenič (ME) awarded him in competition as-> Excellent 1, CAC, Specialty winner and BOB!. Ramsi also fulfiled terms for tittle Slovakian GRANDCHAMPION!
Ramsi proves his versatility and because he loves doing obedience and tricks I started with him rally obedience in autumn. We have trainings regularly and step by step are hopefuly closer and closer to his first exam! :))
In September 2023 we started lure coursing again after 15 years and until now participied about 6 trainings! Ramsi likes it really much but it´s neccessary to say that in his age we will stay only with trainings :)
We are planning mating in our kennel for February! Keep your fingers crossed!
pedigree here
Beautiful puppies, 4 boys and 1 girl available, father is our Ramsi. They are ready to their new homes!
STUPOR MUNDI VUCCI - 1 weeks old, beautiful boy, very promising. We prefer owners I tested in shows.
STUPOR MUNDI VAVALLI - beautiful puppy boy 9 weeks old available to the best home.