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15.-18.5.2013 Hungary

15.-18.5.2013 Hungary Our four days long show trip to Budapest:
Mimi - 3x BOB Puppy, Puppy BIS-3
Chilli - Club winner
Bruno - CACIB, BOS

More infomations in article.

Bruno (Am´ Desert Orchid El Negma) and Chilli (Sharqiya American Queen of Samba) should have first show this year, after 8months long break. On the other hand for our small Mimi (Caramel Cookie El Negma) it was second show experience... so we really didn´t have high expectations from this show trip. Three shows participied also Nuggy (Burnished Nugget El Negma) and World dog show participied small Keshu (Divine Gem El Negma)

15.5.2013 CACIB Budapeš
judge: Leif-Herman Wilberg, NO
Bruno - Ex.1, CAC, CACIB, Best opposite sex
Nugget - Ex.2, res.CAC
Mimi - VP1, BOB Puppy
Chilli - Ex.3

16.5.2013 Wold dog show, Budapest
judge: Dr. Peter Friedrich, DE
Keshu - VP1, Best Minor Puppy
Bruno - Ex.
Nugget - Ex.4
Mimi - VP1, Best Puppy
Chilli - Ex.4

17.5.2013 Sighthound clu show Gödöllö
judge: Tatjana Urek (SLO)
Bruno - Ex.2, res.CAC
Chilli - Ex.1, CAC, Club winner

18.5.2013 Eurosighthounds Gödöllö
judge: Eli-Marie Klepp, N
Nugget - Ex.2, res.CAC
Mimi - VP1, BOB Puppy, Puppy BIS-3
Chilli - Ex.3

Before we left to Budapest we had really not so funny stories around us. Three days before leaving I realized that I booked accomodation wrong and i spent whole afternoon by searching for new one - something nice - where we coudl stay with dogs (unless it costs for them the same as for 1human)... One day before leaving Bruno nearly hurted his paw by nail... And the day of leaving... something went wrong with our car :)
The weather was very nice and warm except Friday´s rain. The new accomodation was wonderful, it was a pension in small town under Budapest, with own restaurant. They had really tasty meals and also beer :) Every show day we were looking forward evening to relax there...
On Friday i felt down on wet grass in show ring and hit ym arm and head quite hard, so the rest of Friday and Saturday I was not feeling nice. Also we all caught some viromia :) But throughout this we will be much remembering this nice trip, it was great.

date: 18.05.2013 - 11:03

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