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21.4.2012 Dressden, Germany

21.4.2012 Dressden, Germany Our active show simblings Boltík (Bolt from the Blue El Negma) and Buggy (Babydoll El Negma) met on german International dog show in Dressden. They were judged by danish judge Mr. Rudi Brandt. Boltík got Ex.1, CAC, VDH, CACIB and BOB! Buggy got for not wanting show herself VG1.

1.4.2012 CACIB České Budějovice

1.4.2012 CACIB České Budějovice Boltík (Bolt from the Blue El Negma) participied his first this year show at CACIB České Budějovice where PHs were judged by Mr. Harto Stockmari from Finland. Boltík was second in males open class out of four males with Excellent 2, res. CAC.
Thanks to Zuzka Burešová for photo!

17.3.2012 breeding plans

17.3.2012 breeding plans I´m happy to announce, that we will mate for last time our beautiful Kesi to wonderful Farao Anubis Ikaros once again! It all looks like destiny that this mating should become real after all breeding and life troubles :o) Mating will be in June, we pray for bunch of puppies!!

4.-5.2.2012 DuoCACIB Brno

4.-5.2.2012 DuoCACIB Brno Mogul (Farao Anubis Crusader) had success at those two shows, in numerous competition we got:
4.2. judge Bitte Ahrens (IT) - Ex.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG-3!
5.2. judge Oleg Fintora (SK) - Ex.1, CAC, res.CACIB!

Complete results here.
Many thanks to Monika nd Petra Coufalová for photos!

4.2.2012 mating of Kesi

4.2.2012 mating of Kesi Unfortunately mating of our beautiful Kesi wasn´t successful. We will inform soon about our plans and about new date of mating. For now we know it will be in spring or summer 2012.

22.1.2012 Chillinka

22.1.2012 Chillinka Our cute princess Chillinka (Sharqiya American Queen of Samba) celebrated with us during trip to Poznan her 3rd Birthday! Chillinka met for second time with her future husband Mogul, she loves him much, like they would live together since puppyhood :o)

21.1.2012 Jewel & Mogul

21.1.2012 Jewel & Mogul During this weekend we were in Poznan for mating with our daughter Jewel (Bedazzling Jewel El Negma) that was mated by our beautiful Mogul (Farao Anubis Crusader).
Puppies will be raised in Slovakia in kennel Mer-Mes of Jewel´s owner Lujza Vranská.
We will keep our fingers crossed!

21.1.2012 News

21.1.2012 News We are back after longer break, christmas time is very busy and we were also bit ill :)
In detail are show results of our B-puppies since last update.
Kesi started her heat! We hope that everything will go well and that we will get bunch of wonderful babies in the beginning of April!

22.11.2011 Mogul

22.11.2011 Mogul New photos of our beautiful Mogul (Farao Anubis Crusader). We also added his results from this year´s show. And we have news, Mogul is going to be shown in Czech republic next year!

19.11.2011 birthday

19.11.2011 birthday Happy second birthday to our B- puppies! Many healthy and happy years to Boltík, Safinka, Malina, Buggy, Edmé, Jewel, Helmi, Linda and Nuggy! Ramonek is lost for already nearly one year but we are still hoping in the sould in his return home...

16.11.2011 C - litter El Negma

16.11.2011 C - litter El Negma I´m happy to announce our upcomming litter that is planned for next year! In January will be mated our star and proved dam Kesi - Cassiopea Spirit of Millenium will be mated to beautiful Shenti - Ribessita Shenti-Enti to Tal Sannat! Many thanks to Denisa to let us use this wonderful boy!

6.11.2011 CACIB Praha

6.11.2011 CACIB Praha At International dog show in Prague was entered 17 Pharaoh hounds! Czech judge Ing. Hana Petrusová gave the tittles fairly between our simblings Bolt (Bolt from the Blue El Negma) and Buggy (Babydoll El Negma), both got Excellent 1, CAC! Congratulations!

6.11.2011 photos

6.11.2011 photos Today it was beautiful day so we make photos of our girls Kesi and Chilli. Photos are in their phtoogaleries. For visit came Kesi´s granddaughter Angie, i love this girlie! :)

29.10.2011 Mogul

29.10.2011 Mogul Our young beauty Mogul (Farao Anubis Crusader) participied 18th September polish Club show of V. FCI group in polish Lódz. From polish judge Gabriela Richard got Ex.1, CWC, Club winner-11, BOB! In final competitions Mogul became second best dog of primitive breeds.

11.10.2011 Boltík & Nuggy

11.10.2011 Boltík & Nuggy 9.10. International dog show České Budějovice (CZ), judge Mrs. Marie Marušková (CZ). Boltík (Bolt from the Blue El Negma) in intermmediate class Excellent 2, res.CAC. Many thanks to Radka Nevěčná for his photo!
11.10. International dog show Moscow (RU), judge Mr. Vitor Veiga (PT), Nuggy (Burnished Nugget El Negma) also in intermmediate class got Excellent 1, CAC and res.CACIB.

11.9.2011 Nuggy

11.9.2011 Nuggy We made big update of Nuggy´s (Burnished Nugget El Negma) profile. We added many beautiful pictures and results from shows. Nuggy became this year Russian, Slovenian and Ukrainian Juniorchampion and Russian Champion! He also got Reserve Best in Group and Best in Group!
11.9. in Moscow was held unofficial Pharaoh hound specialty show judged by american pharaoh hound breeder Dominic Carota (Hallam´s PHs). At this show Nuggy got first place in intermmediate class, later beated by his beautiful uncle Reedly Road Desperado for Best male.

3.9.2011 Boltík

3.9.2011 Boltík Boltík participied two regional dog shows in last month.
20.8. Regional show Karlovy Vary, judge Mr. Antonín Mudra Ex.1, Class winner, Regional winner and in final competitions reserve Best in Show!
3.9. Regional show Rybníky, judge Tibor Havelka Ex.1, Class winner, Regional winner, reserve Best In Group!
Many congratulations!!

28.8.2011 CACIB Mladá Boleslav

28.8.2011 CACIB Mladá Boleslav At International dog show in Mladá Boleslav was judging PHs polish judge Maciej Kozber. In open class bitches met Chilli (Sharqiya American Queen of Samba) with Buggy (Babydoll El Negma) and this time was Chilli more successful. She beated Buggy and other Pharaoh hounds and got Ex.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU and BOB! In final competitions she was shortlisted to best eight out of 28.
Chilli became Czech champion!


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