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17.1.2009 We added to show results shows in Zagreb that we participied in November and last week´s National show in Olomouc.


9.1.2009 We were at our first show this year - at CAC show in czech Olomouc. Judge Josef Nemec gave Cassie Ex.1, CAC, Czech winner-08, BOB got Enigma Special News. With this CAC Cassie completed Czech Grand champion tittle.


3.1.2009 We got new photos of Jasmin. Thank you very much Iza!!

Christmas greeting

Christmas greeting We wish to all our friends Happy Christmas and better New Year 2009! I hope that all our dogs and family members will be healthy and that we will enjoy life with them in happiness...


21.12.2008 We got new photos of Òuòu on Friday. Today we came back from mountains where we spent two nice days with Bruno. We are adding photos!

30.11.2008 2x CACIB Zagreb

30.11.2008 2x CACIB Zagreb We traveled for wonderful 3days trip to Zagreb in Croatia. There was held 2x CACIB show, on Saturday with Cruft´s qualification and on Sunday was Centra-Eastern Euro Dog Show.

Cassie got on Saturday CAC, CACIB and Cruft´s qualification for 2009. On Sunday she got CAC, CACIB, Zagreb winner-08 and Centra-eastern european winner-08.
With those shows she completed Croatian champion tittle!

16.11.2008 CACIB Praha

16.11.2008 CACIB Praha Kesi got on International show in Prague out of belgian judge R. Reyniers tittles CAC, CACIB, BOB and in finals BIG-5.

Complete results here!


9.11.2008 New photos of Tezi.

5.11.2008 Antique Treasure el Negma

5.11.2008 Antique Treasure el Negma On 18th October our little princess Mimi tragicaly passed away attacked by eagle.

We miss you much our loved girlie... you left us so suddenly and too early...


28.10.2008 We have many new photos!

Thank you Iza for photos of Jasmin and Veda for Nunu´s photo. We spent weekend with Bruno and took also many many photos :o)


12.10.2008 Today we had very pleasant visit - Naïa came with Tezi and Dain. We played with Tezi much, she is very cute girl and growing to beauty :o)
Photos here


6.10.2008 We added complete results for Pharaoh hound of all three shows held in Budapest this weekend.

4.-5.10.2008 European dog show Budapest, Hungary

4.-5.10.2008 European dog show Budapest, Hungary We just came back from show weekend in Budapest.

4.10. European dog show
Ex.2, res. CAC
Sighthound club show
Ex.1, CAC, Club winner, BOB
5.10. Sighthound specialty show
Ex.2, res. CAC


3.10.2008 We got new nice photos of Amon. He is growing in beautiful male, thank you much Pavlo!


29.9.2008 We got new photos of Mymlan from Britt-Marie. On one picture she is with her great grandma Minea. Thank you very much!


28.9.2008 Today Òùòu left to his new home in german Munich. Although we were managed for this offtake date for a long time so i had enought time to enjoy this sweet "pillow boy" enough, it was hard and sad ... We got beautiful pillow from Veda with photo of Òùòu.. Thank you again :o)


25.9.2008 We got new photos of beautiful Jasmin. Thank you Iza!


21.9.2008 On 20th September was held Lure coursing Silesian mastership 2008. Entered was as last time Cassie, Bahir and Asalé.. Cassie this time did perfect and got 172points and tittles Silesian LC master 2008 and CACT. She also placed on 3rd position in Best Sighthound.

On Saturday we took care of Bruno during night and Sunday´s morning. Unfortunately it was rainy weather all the weekend so we couldn´t go for any walking and also photos we had to take inside...


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