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26.12.2012 news

26.12.2012 news During all that mess we didn´t catch to wish to all nice Christmas :) Puppies are nice growing, Mimi is playing like a devil and we all are moving in two days :) So there are no new photos in puppy gallery, our computer is somewhere behind boxes ready for moving. After New year we will be back!

15.12.2012 D-puppies

15.12.2012 D-puppies We aded many photos to photogalery of our small puppies. They are opening eyes and learning how to walk. We are still taking reservations for boys.

9.12.2012 Ascot

9.12.2012 Ascot Ascot already left us to his new home in Austria, where he will live with owner Eva.
Welcome Eva and Walter to our family and to wonderful world of this breed!
And small Mimi is staiying with us! :)

2.12.2012 photos

2.12.2012 photos We upploaded here photos of our new puppies.
Mother to our two older puppies is helping Chilli with feeding small ones, whats great :)

30.11.2012 D- puppies

30.11.2012 D- puppies Today Chilli whelped eight beautiful puppies. Snow White and the seven dwarfts, means one girlie and seven boys. :)


27.11.2012 Our puppies are already 6 weeks old! They are playing in whole apartment and enjoying games!
Our Chilli should whelp in the end of this week her puppies!

13.11.2012 Chilli

13.11.2012 Chilli Chillinka has at the beginning of seventh week already beautiful pregnant belly :) We are awaiting puppies in 2,5 weeks.

10.11.2012 puppies

10.11.2012 puppies Kesi´s pups Mimi and Ascot are growing fast and they are small piggies! They are already running and have shark teeth.
We are often adding photos to their photogalery.

6.11.2012 D-litter

6.11.2012 D-litter We checked once again Chilli with ultrasound and we realized that we have much more puppies than we were said last time! We counted 7 puppies, now we will let it as surprise for whelping.
We can take bookings for boys and now also for girl.

27.10.2012 D-litter

27.10.2012 D-litter Our Chilli is pregnant! Again we won´t have many puppies, we will go to ultrasound once again next week to get more exact number.
We are taking bookings for boys!

17.10.2012 Photogalery

17.10.2012 Photogalery We made already photogalery for our newborn pups.
And we already choosed names for them!
Girlie *Mimi* - Caramel Cookie El Negma
Boy *Ascot* - Cantaloupe Island El Negma

15.10.2012 We have puppies!

15.10.2012 We have puppies! After all the waiting and worries our Kessi´s 2 pups were born after midnight - boy and girl. They were born on C-section.

12.10.2012 C-puppies

12.10.2012 C-puppies Kesi should be whelping yet, we were at ultrasound to check if pups are okay and they are doing great! So we are waiting and waiting :)

8.10.2012 Safi & Nuggy

8.10.2012 Safi & Nuggy Unfortunately or maybe fortunately two our B-puppies changed their owner in September.
Safinka (Bronze Delight El Negma) stayed in US, but at new owner Naniece Ibrahim, and she has pharaoh buddy Bijan!
Nuggy (Burnished Nugget El Negma) changed owner in Russia and his new owner is Elizaveta Shiverskikh. Also Nuggy has nwe PH friend - girl Marsy.
If everything will go well we should meet at World dog show in Hungary next May! :)
We welcome new owners in our small PH "family" :)

1.10.2010 mating

1.10.2010 mating Chilli was mated to wonderful Plupp! The mating was going up to our wishes so we hope for bunch of beautiful red babies!

28.9.2012 Photos

28.9.2012 Photos We added many photos of our dogs and also some puppies to theri photogalleries.

15.9.2012 Puppies

15.9.2012 Puppies Our princess Chilli decided to hurry up and started her heat 1,5 months earlier. We planned to mater her on her spring heat, but up to current situation with Kesi we decided to mate her now. Already in young age of Chilli and this spring we were talking about using on her wonderful Farao Anubis Ikaros, but due to his matin on Kesi and the timing all was still unsure. And solution came itself :o) Planned sire for this litter Mogul will be hopefully used for next mating in 2014.

9.9.2012 Sighthound Club show Poland

9.9.2012 Sighthound Club show Poland On Saturday PHs were judged by Knut Blutecher from Norway. The same with boys like first day - Mogul (Farao Anubis Crusader) - Excellent 2, and Bruno (Am´ Desert Orchid El Negma)- Excellent 1, CWC, Club winner-12. In champion females Chilli (Sharqiya American Queen of Samba) was beated by Mogul´s sister and got - Excellent 2.
We didn´t wait for couple class this day.


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