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25.8.2013 coursing Rybníček

25.8.2013 coursing Rybníček On Sunday was held unofficial club´s coursing. As the track was short - two rounds 300meters i decided to enter all three girls. Chilli right to race, well it was very funny in first round as this was her fist life race at age 4,5 years, i have to run with her half round. Second round she did better but slow and without kill. Kesi and Mimi were both entered to one round training. Kesi ran as in her young years, wonderful and happy. Mimi showed tallent after her mom in her first race in life and ran with passion and final kill. al klubový neoficiální coursing. Girls liked it and it was much fun!
photo: Jana Crhová

date: 25.08.2013 - 11:51

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